Homeward (past/future)

Homeward – 30”x24”, acrylic

This painting is available through RiverSea Gallery in Astoria, Oregon. Today I am homeward bound. I have been away nearly a week, visiting family and friends. Painting from out of the past of the near future.

This time of year is gorgeous but the winter looms! On this trip I signed up for two solo shows. One through Momentum Gallery in Asheville, North Carolina. The other show will be 2025 through Haven Gallery on Long Island, New York. Both will require massive focus, huge amounts of time and of course paint! I took a year off from the solo show grind but am really excited to dig in this winter, and next, to chase the magic. Putting together large and powerful collections. Anything is possible and this is me at my most driven and optimistic… always for art.

Chaos and Beauty (revisited)

Chaos and Beauty – 9”x12”, acrylic

With summer quickly winding down I’ve got those mixed feelings that come with a shift in season. Visitors will begin dropping off and the weather will cool. It’s the passing of time that brings a bit of melancholy. The tiny bit of me that is optimistic is excited to dig deep in the studio. The cooler weather is much better for acrylic painting… perhaps the greatest work ahead.

Drifting Above

Drifting Above – 24”x30”, acrylic

Another strangely optimistic painting in the studio. I have been obsessively listening to news podcasts and watching just about every other news source on television. It always feels like the end of days and just seems to get worst. I don’t have much faith in the human animal… but here is a bit of visual hope.


It really feels like the end of days still the sun is shining. My modest 401k has gone away even as the snow turns back to ground. Finance and health aside the stretching days are filled with light. Thankful this didn’t happen in the darkened depths of Fall.

LuLu embraces the day
Albert remains “cool and the gang”


Blue and Far 30”x24” paint on wood panel

I have never been an optimistic person. In grade school, learning vocabulary, the teacher asked us if we were optimists or pessimists. A girl I had eyes for said, “Oh, we are both optimists.” She was a bit smarter than I was, but as she explained the difference, I knew she was horribly mistaken.

For some odd reason, I am filled with an unrealistic optimism for the new year. I am making my living painting, it’s not easy. My days are only getting shorter, never mind. I have a vision for my work, mastery of my materials. For the first time in my life I know my greatest work is ahead. I am excited to make it.

I hope you all find passion and meaning in 2019.