January Scenes

Scenes from just outside my studio (eagles filmed through my studio window). This is where I draw my inspiration, the endless well. North Idaho is snow country which can be tough but it is also incredibly gorgeous.

I had a friend in college named Andrew Hofmeister. He was a retired art professor at Washington State University. He was a huge artistic influence on me, I wish I would have told him that. At the time he owned a family vacation home on Flathead Lake in Montana. He let me stay up there periodically, in the basement of his cabin. Mr Hofmeister told me “be inspired but don’t let the view dictate your painting”. I think about that a lot, I hope he would appreciate my work now. I am pretty directly influenced by nature but it is the mood and movement of paint that are my key subjects. Now I have a studio and live roughly half way between WSU and his former cabin in Montana.


Morning – 8”x10”, acrylic

A vibrant little painting from February of this year. I was painting a lot of color studies and smaller works. always a useful approach before working on larger paintings. A faster way to experiment with color, value, composition and concepts than a big panel. Of course in the end I just moved on without following many of these threads.