North Winds

North Winds – 18”x24”, acrylic painting

More inspiration from the home water, Lake Pend Oreille in North Idaho! I am obsessed with the changing landscape and it is an endless well of inspiration.

I used to consider 18”x24” to be a large painting. They now seem small but are a really great size to work on. Plenty of room for expression but small enough to cover relatively quickly, I am working on a series of these misty images with plans to paint much larger work in the near future. My plans are always fluid, always following my enthusiasm of the moment.

Happy Holidays!!

Changing (shipped)

Changing – 40”x30”, acrylic

This large painting has shipped and is on its way to Saint Augustine, Florida. I am really pleased to be working with this gallery. The gallery is putting together a nice collection of my work… hope to visit, preferably in the winter!

Studio presentation – IG reels

Pack River Flats (commission)

Pack River Flats – 24”x18”, acrylic

Wrapping up this commission. A painting of Lake Pend Oreille from a different vantage. I drove over to the owner’s property a number of times before starting a concept and ultimately this final painting. Always a pleasure to paint this like I love so much.