Autumn Bloom

Autumn Bloom – 16”x20”, acrylics

Fall has slipped into winter. Thought I would share this new painting to commemorate the season finale. I rarely varnish and frame work as soon as I complete it but this painting cried out to be fully finished. I do not generally chase the season when I am painting but I follow my enthusiasms and nature is always sparking my imagination.

Night in the studio

Color and a Touch of Colour

Haunted Shore, 20”x16” acrylic

I have been pretty obsessed with the sunrises and sunsets on Lake Pend Oreille. Conveniently I have a tough time sleeping during normal hours so that makes it easier to witness the incredibly early dawn.

Not to complain but I’m always a little sad after the summer solstice. The first official day of summer is also when the daylight starts to dwindle. That’s life in a nutshell.