Dark Thoughts

Dark Thoughts

It is a stream darkly meandering.

Negativity eroding the shore.

Stay dry, the current is strong.

Clark Fork Moon, 12”x16” acrylic


I often hear about Holiday depression. This year I seem to be feeling it. A terrible dread and sense of hopelessness. Perhaps it is a chemical thing. Maybe something to do with the sun failing to rise above the hill. I posted something regrettable last night on WordPress, I am sorry for that. I hope everyone is doing well this Holiday Season.


For me inspiration is happiness, much desired but elusive. It is the fuel that powers motivation and makes for possibilities.

I force myself to start on a new work, make that first mark. If I surrender doubt, I get lost in the process of painting. Creativity is an adventure that generates its own form of inspiration.

In my life I have felt like a negative soul. Still it seems the act of creation is an act of optimism.